Your Local, Independent Agent Offering Service In Little Falls, Randall & Swanville for Over 50 Years! ****
Your Local, Independent Agent Offering Service In Little Falls, Randall & Swanville for Over 50 Years! ****

We cover what matters to you
We are an independent agency serving the needs of clients across our region and beyond. You can trust us when we say we’ll do everything in our power to get you the best rates, because we don’t work for the insurance companies – we work for you! Our team procures quick quotes from multiple, trusted insurance carriers when you give us your information just once. We use our industry expertise to save you money and time, as well as ensure you have enough coverage to see a real benefit should you ever need to file a claim.
Join the team
No one can predict the future - that’s why we have insurance. As an independent insurance agency, we do the difficult work of finding the best rates for your specific needs. We want you to spend less time worrying if you’re properly insured and more time enjoying your life. No one can predict the future, but Bieganek Agency can make sure it’s protected.

Agency Locations
On January 1, 2023, Ben Nelson purchased Bieganek Insurance and Randall State Insurance from Julie Zupko.
On January 1, 2023, Ben Nelson purchased Randall State Insurance and Bieganek Insurance from Julie Zupko.
On March 1, 2024, Ben Nelson & Mikel Nelson purchased Swanville Insurance from Angie VanRisseghem.
Get in Touch
Interested in exploring the insurance services we offer throughout central Minnesota? Share your details with us, and we will reach out to you promptly. We look forward to connecting with you!